How often should you test your pool water?

8 years ago | by

Pool water testing Coffs Lab

To maintain a healthy pool, regular water testing is important.  The frequency for testing your pool water depends on how often your pool is being used along with the weather conditions.

As a pool owner, you should be testing for:

  1. Chlorine – Chlorine or ‘free chlorine’ is the most popular form of pool water disinfection and should be checked between 2 to 3 times a week. Free chlorine is the most important test as this tells you available chlorine for sanitising.
  2. pH – Check your pH just as frequent as you check your chlorine balance, 2 to 3 times a week. By keeping your pH balanced your chlorine will stay at its highest level of effectiveness.
  3. Total Alkalinity – This should be tested once a week as the stability of this test influences the stability of your pH levels.
  4. Salt Levels – This depends on the type of salt chlorination system you have installed.  You should check with the manufacture for their recommendation.
  5. Calcium Hardness – Calcium hardness should be tested once a month.  This tends to fluctuate due to the local weather and any additional chemicals added to your pool.
  6. Total Dissolved Solids (chemical reactions, dust, pollen, wastes) – If this level is too high, it can disturb the efficiency of your pool chemicals, so make sure these levels are checked on a monthly basis.
  7. Metals – Metals such as copper, iron, manganese can cause staining if left in your water.  That is why you should test for metals every 3-4 months.  If you detect metals in your water, they should be removed.

If you do need more information or assistance with testing your pool water, contact the Coffs Harbour Laboratory.